Southfields Multi Academy Trust
Linden Lodge School joined Southfields Multi-Academy Trust on 1st September 2018
Trust Aims:
Our aim is to create a family of schools with a clear vision, purpose and direction where teaching and learning have the highest priority and students enjoy and engage in a creative, rich and relevant curriculum which is tailored to their individual needs to ensure success.
The Southfields MAT has a culture of high aspiration amongst all students, regardless of their background. We strive for excellence in teaching and learning so that we foster a lifelong learning ethos which promotes good progress and successful outcomes for all learners.
We believe it is important for all schools in our MAT to retain and promote their individual identity. We believe in the power of co-operative and collaborative working and will actively promote school to school support so that all schools in the Trust are Ofsted Good or Outstanding. This way of working has been the norm for the Southfields Cluster Schools for the past 15 years.
Our priority is to ensure that the education experiences of our students gives them the skills, knowledge and qualities to succeed in the world of work and in life. Failure is not an option for our students, whatever their background.
We believe in Inclusion, Diversity and Equality - setting high aspirations in order for all students to succeed.
Key Infomation
CEO: Jacqueline Valin
Southfields Multi-Academy Trust
333 Merton Road,
SW18 5JU
Phone: 020 8875 2600
Web Link: Southfields Academy Website
Web Link: Southfields Multi-Academy Trust Financial Information
Web Link: Company number: 08190187