This page contains up-to date school policies. Please see attachments below.

If you have any questions regarding policies and procedures or require paper copies please contact the Co-Headteachers via

We have carefully considered and analysed the impact of these policies on equality and the possible implications for people with protected characteristics, as part of our commitment to meet the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirement to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations.

  1. Admission Policypdf
  2. Anti-bullying Policypdf
  3. Attendance Policypdf
  4. Behaviour Policypdf
  5. Careers Policy and Provider Access pdf
  6. Charging and Remission Policy - MATpdf
  7. Complaints policypdf
  8. Data Protection-GDPR Policypdf
  9. Dysphagia Policypdf
  10. E-Safety policypdf
  11. Equalities Statementpdf
  12. Equality, Diversity and Community Cohesion Planpdf
  13. Examinations - Staff malpractice and maladminstration Policypdf
  14. Examinations Policypdf
  15. Health and Safety Policypdf
  16. Home School Agreementpdf
  17. Managing a child if they become unwell at schoolpdf
  18. Medication Policypdf
  19. Mental Capacity and Consent Policypdf
  20. Missing Child Policypdf
  21. Moving and Handling of Pupils Policypdf
  22. Non-Examination Assessment Policypdf
  23. Occupational Therapy Policypdf
  24. Physiotherapy Policypdf
  25. Preventing Extremism & Radicalisation Policypdf
  26. Privacy Notice for Pupils docx
  27. Privacy Notice for School Workforcedocx
  28. Relationships Education & RSE Policypdf
  29. Residential Statement of Purposepdf
  30. Safeguarding Adults Policypdf
  31. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policypdf
  32. Safer Recruitment Policypdf
  33. School Accessability Planpdf
  34. School Improvement Summary 2022-23pdf
  35. SEN Infomation Reportpdf
  36. Social Media Policypdf
  37. Southfields MAT Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (6)pdf
  38. Speech and Language Therapy Policypdf
  39. Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Policypdf
  40. Supporting Pupils With Medical Conditionspdf
  41. The Work of the Local Governing Bodypdf
  42. Therapy Outreach Home Visit Policypdf
  43. Therapy Policypdf
  44. Visitor Policypdf
  45. Waking-Day-Curriculum-Policy updatedpdf
  46. Website-Privacy-Policypdf
  47. Website-Terms-of-Usepdf
  48. Whistleblowing Policy pdf