The Alba Centre is designed for pupils who are multi-sensory impaired (deafblind). A total communication approach is utilised, to ensure that every method of communication most effective for each pupil is supported. This may include one or a combination of the following: sign language, spoken language, written language, Braille, pictures, objects, gestures and low- or high-tech augmentative communication systems. With the young person at the centre of all we do; individual timetables, calendar systems, and care plans are created to address our students’ unique needs. Within the Alba Centre our curriculum is Alba+ as we incorporate various mechanisms to support students’ learning, progress and assessment and we follow the Victoria School Curriculum, a specialist framework designed for multi-sensory impairment (MSI). The MSI curriculum is organised into eight key domains of learning, which broadly links to National Curriculum subjects. We further align the domains within the headings of Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs) to create relevant personal learning targets. This highly specialised approach ensures students can engage meaningfully with their education, supported by individualised, holistic strategies that promote growth and learning.